Five Downtown Fresno Murals To See During Covid-19

Enjoyed being a local traveler and excited to share Fresno with you all! Downtown Fresno Murals are a must-see, and believe it or not, Fresno has a lot of public arts to show off. There are definitely more Murals to share but not all are easily accessible at this time — thanks to Covid-19.

Below are some of the coolest walls you can find in the heart of Central Valley. These spots are outdoor and we had no individual contact during this quick trip downtown.

Welcome to Fresno

Address: 746 Broadway St

This wall art featuring the beautiful Fresno skyline -- and grapes because us Fresnans likes our Raisins & Wine.

Amvets Building

Location: 758 Broadway Ave

This patriotic public art showcase the Statue of Liberty and American Bald Eagle. Other murals can also be found as these beautiful pieces wraps around the building.

Fresno Postage Stamp

Located in 1315 Van Ness Ave is the famous Fresno Postage Mural, painted by our very own FranCisco Vargas is probably one of my favorites. Each letter highlighting our beautiful city and history such as Yosemite, Fresno City Hall, Tower District, Warnor's, Fresno State and so much more! Watch out for my post dedicated to this Mural!

Amazing Grace Music Sheet

Location: 1441 Fulton St

Religious or not, you have probably heard of the Amazing Grace. This beauty is across the Warnor's Theater and old Downtown Church who also has the coolest white brick wall for some photoshoot.

Bitwise Hive

Address: 2600 Ventura Ave

Another popular Mural in Fresno! This rainbow hive mural wraps around the Bitwise building! It is definitely a beauty!

What is your favorite Mural in Fresno?


navigating corporate chaos; romanticizing little moments.

Where to Stay in Fresno?


California Capitol Park