Thank you, 2022!

Incredibly grateful for this year despite the struggles. Thankful for many blessings and opportunities. Cheers to a year ahead. May it be your best year yet!

Thank you, 2022! This year was wild! Left my company of almost 5 years to join my dream company, 6 months later, I left to stay home with my family and work on my mental health. I then found a new passion in growing my garden, and a month later, I received an offer to work for another AMAZING brand remotely! I have been extremely blessed! Thankful for every single person I met this year and those who supported me through it all.


Redeemed by Jesus. Wife. Mama to Hann + Hayleigh. Filipina. Californian. Hotelier with a travel bug. ENTJ. Enneagram 8w7. Low-waste striver.

6 New Gardener Fail I Made


Non-Toxic Air Freshener