Hello, 2020

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9 NIV

Happy New Year Friends! Isn't it crazy how 2019 just flew by so quickly?  New years often come with a new year's resolution, and I love that people want change; better ourselves. Here are a couple of goals I want to focus on this new year.

Strive for a low-waste, plastic-free, and cruelty-free living. I was introduced to essential oils and made some lifestyle changes back in 2018.  I continued to educate myself with the benefits of a holistic and plant-based lifestyle.  I was a pescatarian and was reading about food nutrition. somehow got into a topic of "seafood and trash in our oceans".  I have always heard of "planting trees, earth day" and have always tried to "help the environment", but was blown away to learn how trash is affecting our oceans.  In Summer 2019, I slowly started switching my skincare and make-up to cruelty-free, followed by completely moving away from plastics by Fall. We are still in the process of switching and will be learning how to do composting!

Purchase our first home. Cody and I also took Financial Peace University and started our debt-free journey last Fall of 2018. We have failed numerous times and continue to find ourselves living paycheck to paycheck.  We kept going back to our old habits of eating out every single day, costing us thousands a month.  That is insane!  While we are not 100% sure if owning a home is for us, this is still something we need to work on!

Creating a new habit is difficult.  It includes self-discipline, consistency and lots of sacrifices and failures to make and endure to reach our goal.  Know that this will be all worth it because small things lead to big things.  I would like to share some key points I heard from Craig Groeschel's sermon that may help you achieve your new goal(s).

  • Stop focusing on "what" when we don't understand the "how".  Goals don't determine success, but the system/actions do.

  • Don't be discouraged when you see little to no results.  Every little action matters. Our life is the sum total of all the small decisions that we make.

  • Know your identity.  Our distorted identity sabotages our success. An unhealthy identity creates unwise habits, unwise habits reinforce an unhealthy identity.

I hope you find this helpful and wishing you all a successful 2020! Hugs,


Redeemed by Jesus. Wife. Mama to Hann + Hayleigh. Filipina. Californian. Hotelier with a travel bug. ENTJ. Enneagram 8w7. Low-waste striver.


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